Computer Science 1

I'm Holden Zambon and this is my webpage for GITA 1.
I am a freshman at Brea Olinda High School and 14
years old. We are currently studying C#, but made
this website using HTML. Below are my projects,
if you want to try them, click on the image and
download the file!

Goodbye Program


In this project, we learned how to make buttons change the visibility of an image and change the text of a label. When you pressed a language, a flag of the country would pop up and say goodbye in that language.

About Page


In this project, we took a more advanced approach to changing the visibility of an image and textboxes and allowed the person viewing the program to change the font and text size of the title.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to use textboxes to input what someone types into a label. The person would input their name and other mailing info into a textbox and when they pressed a button, it would imput their info to the label.

Car Rental


In this project, we used text boxes to calculate the cost to rent a car depending on how long the car was rented and the miles driven and output the calculation to the customer.

BMI Calculator


In this project, we used our knowledge of decimals to make a BMI calculator by taking the users height and weight, converting it to the metric system and dividing weight by height squared and giving the user their BMI.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we used radio buttons and check boxes to upgrade the car rental program by adding different cars that could be rented and extras for additional prices.

Test Score


In this project, we used test boxes to take two test scores and give the user the letter grade of both scores and tell the user the higher score along with the average score.



In this project, we used random numbers to roll 2 dice and add up the total of the two. You can keep rolling to calculate the experimental probability in percent of rolling a certain number.

Vegas Craps Game


In this project, we used the dice program to make a game based off of the vegas game "Craps". The user rolls the dice and if they get a 7 or 11 they win, 2 or 3 or 12 they lose, and any other number they reroll.

T-Shirt Shop


In this project, we used all our knowledge of text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, labels, buttons, and calculations to make a T-shirt shop with different options like size and extras.

Slot Machine


In this project, we made a slot machine where the user presses a button to get 5 possible images at random and if all three were the same, depending on how much you bet, you could win more credits to play.



In this project, we made a rock-paper-scissors game where the first person chooses a radio button, then the second person, then it shows pictures of what each player choose, saying who won and keeping score.



In this project, we used random numbers to make a fish move randomly around the fish tank, and use a timer to make the fish move automatically with an option to go faster and slower and make sure the fish cannot go off screen.

Fish 2D


In this project, we used an array where fish would move in a tank randomly using random numbers. There is also a dolphin that will eat the fish if they go in the same place. There is a button to go faster and slower and boundaries to make sure the fish cannot go off screen.

NCAA Football


In this project, we used list boxes to see the results of two college football team’s bowls. There also was a menu strip to exit the game and two extra forms to open that have info about the colleges.



In this project, we used image boxes where The first person would click to put down an “X”, then the second player an “O” and repeat until a player wins or no one does. You can choose which to start with and the score is kept.

N! Program


In this project, we let the user input a number In a text box and choose whether to create a sum, factorial, odd or even numbers, or fibonacci sequence up to the number they put in. Then it will add up the total of the numbers.

Basic AI Game


In this project, we had the player control an octopus where they can shoot a shark with ink for points. The shark goes towards the player and will damage them if they get too close. The player needs to get to 10,000 points before the time runs out to win.

Star Field


In this project, “stars” would appear in random places And depending on where they appear, move off the screen and gradually get larger until they get off the screen and respawn to make it look like the user if flying through space.

Fish Aquarium


In this project, we used arrays to move 20 fish in random directions while a shark moves randomly and kills the fish if it touches them. Bubbles would move upwards until they reach the top where it will respawn at the bottom. A boat will also drop a line down and catch fish that touch it.

Number Array


In this project, we used number arrays to get a user inputed amount of random numbers and output those to a label. The program would also find the highest number, lowest number, and average of all the numbers that were generated. The program can also pick a random number and find the average placement of that number in the array.



In this project, we used string arrays to get the grade for 100 student's scores and tally up the amount of students got each grade. Then, output that amount to a label.



In this project, we dynamically added labels that would fall or go up and despawn after reaching the bottom/top or hitting something. You controlled a ufo avoiding bombs from a plane and shooting it down.

Final Project


For the final project, we made a game with everything we learned. My game is an RPG battle where you play as the boss. There are 7 enemies and you have 5 different moves, each with their own use.